Day of Fools, by James Lee Burke
So. I have to ask myself the question: what rock have I been hiding under all these
years that I could remain uninterested in a superlative writer who has now
completed thirty thrillers? Because I
thought he was probably the same as all the other formulaic writers, that’s
why. Well, shame on me.
James Lee Burke’s literary
reputation is so secure that he hardly needs an endorsement from a Library blog
in New Zealand, but that won’t stop me from singing his praises all the
same. I’m just vexed at myself for not
reading his books sooner. Fortunately,
‘Feast Day of Fools’ despite being the latest in a series of stories about Texas
sheriff Hackberry Holland (yep, that’s
truly his name), is easily read as a
stand-alone novel, for Mr Burke’s skill is such that he can bring the
first-time reader (me!) up to speed with action from previous books, introducing it so seamlessly that I never felt
mad as I usually do, for approaching the series from the wrong end.
Sheriff Holland is an old
man now, nursing much sorrow and many regrets, but still functioning superbly
as the guardian of the law in a small West Texas town close to the Mexican
border. He has a loyal staff consisting
of deputies Pam Tibbs, whose devotion is
a thin disguise for the great love she feels for him; and R.C. Givens, whose frail-looking physique
belies his resourcefulness and intelligence -
and let us not forget switchboard operator Maydeen Stolz, whose
vulgarity offends the Sheriff daily.
Crime in the area is
usually connected with the Wetbacks, those hapless Mexicans who cross the Rio
Grande, then pay ‘Coyotes’, unscrupulous guides, to help them find menial work
in Texas. They are illegal aliens,
willing to do anything to make a
living, for compared to their miserable lives in Mexico the United States is
still the Promised Land. However, when
the remains of a tortured man are found by a local alcoholic and reported to
the sheriff, a chain of events is started that leads not just to wets and
coyotes, but to defence contractors and organised crime, an ex-C.I.A operative
and the shadowy pursuers of them all, the F.B.I.
Oh, everyone gets a mention
in Mr Burke’s complicated plot and there are baddies of truly Olympian
proportions, but Hackberry’s true nemesis from previous encounters is Preacher
Jack Collins, a messianic, scripture-quoting killer whose favourite weapon is a
machine gun. Preacher Jack is a
one-stop-shop of high intelligence, hatred, malice and forward planning, and he
and the sheriff have unfinished business to conduct: every now and then Jack rings Hackberry to
remind him, to keep him on the back foot – and these little exchanges are
gems. Mr Burke writes scintillating,
witty dialogue, so good that despite the fact that some of the characters reach
caricature proportions, they are continually redeemed by their folksy, down to
earth humour and logic.
Sadly, logic is jettisoned
in the last chapter of this otherwise fine story: after a gun battle that should have left
no-one alive, Hackberry and his allies march off into the desert and imminent
rescue, even though they are all leaking gallons of blood and shouldn’t be able
to walk a single step. That’s stretching
the reader’s credulity to snapping point!
But let us not forget Mr
Burke’s wonderful descriptions of the natural world around him: he populates his stark and beautiful
landscapes with roiling purple clouds, fiery sunsets and the vastness of desert
spaces. Until I read this book I didn’t
know a butte from a banana or a mesa from my elbow but I’m happy to say that I
NOW HAVE THE PICTURE, thanks to Mr. Burke’s marvellous imagery. He has the singular ability to make the
reader examine crime in all its guises, too - not just the who-done-it variety, but the
greater crimes that start wars, the terrible crimes that wars unleash, and the
criminals who set it all in motion.
Highly recommended.
Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, by Ben Fountain
This is a five-star story. It ably illustrates many of the things I said
about war in the last paragraph of the above review, this time from the
perspective of the last, most unfortunate link in the chain: the soldier who must kill or be killed in
order to ‘win the War on Terror’ – to ‘Keep Our Country Free’, and to ‘Kill
Them before they Kill Us.’
The myriad reasons for the
War in Iraq are baldly displayed here, and it’s up to the reader to decide what
opinion to have, but it’s obvious that Ben Fountain (at least in this book) is
no friend of the Bush administration. The
sending of invading troops to Iraq
ostensibly to search for the mythical ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ is nothing
more than a cover-up to gain eventual control of the oil supply – that’s what
the surviving members of Bravo squad think, but they signed up (for all sorts
of different reasons); they’re in it for the long haul, and they’ll fight. That is what they have been trained to
do; it’s their job; and they’ll do it until the end – either the
end of their service, or the end of their lives.
One such soldier is Billy
Lynn: he’s nineteen years old and was
given the choice of the army or jail when he was eighteen. He trashed his beloved sister’s
pussy-boyfriend’s ‘pussy car Saab’ because the pussy dropped her three weeks
after she had a near-fatal accident.
Billy chose the army and, after Basic training was sent to Iraq to join
Bravo squad, a time of crushing boredom, alleviated only by the huge fear
everyone felt on going on patrol, an exercise ordered almost more often than
they can stand by Staff-Sergeants Dime and Shroom, firm friends who served
together in Afghanistan: these men
understand all too well how important it is to face and conquer the fear. Eventually, the squad’s mettle is tested in a
blazing firefight with insurgents: two of their number die but the insurgents
are wiped out and the whole bloody conflagration is filmed by a Fox crew
embedded with Bravo; the three-minute
film clip goes viral, becomes a YouTube sensation, and before anyone can say
‘Cheney and Halliburton’ the survivors of Bravo squad are brought back to the
States for a two week victory tour after receiving medals for bravery from
President Bush at the White House.
The men are intelligent
enough to know that they are the Poster Boys for a huge propaganda drive to keep
Americans’ hope and patriotism alive after years of The War on Terror, which
seems to have slowed considerably in momentum lately – but who cares? To sleep in a clean bed again, to not have to
fight king-size insects for food and bedspace – and to see all those fine women
again: oh, those dudes are in HEAVEN.
And even better
still: a movie producer has joined the
tour. He’s a high-powered, fast-talking
dealmaker with a mighty reputation, and he wants to make a film of the Bravos,
with big-name stars playing them; big
names are quoted constantly (Billy is dismayed to hear that Hilary Swank is
interested in playing him. HUH???) and
the magical figure of one hundred thousand dollars is quoted as a payment to
each Bravo for the rights to his character.
The future – if they all survive, for they are to be sent back to Iraq
when the tour is over – looks rosy indeed.
And if they don’t survive, why their wives and mommas will have a
nest-egg! They think.
Most of the action of this
great story occurs on the last day of their tour; the Bravos are the guests of honour at Texas
Stadium for a huge Thanksgiving Day football match between the Dallas Cowboys
and the Chicago Bears: they meet the
Cheerleaders! (Billy falls instantly in
love with one) They meet the football
team! (Behemoths to a man.) They meet the owner and his fabulously rich
pals! (And their plastic fantastic
wives.) And they are turned into a support
act to Destiny’s Child! - the halftime
high-end musical attraction, an experience none of their training has prepared them for.
And they realise,
belatedly, that the bravery for which they are so loudly and publicly praised
means nothing when confronted with Big Money and the Art of the Deal: heroes are there to be screwed, just like
everyone else. Disillusioned, weary and
disgusted with their brush with fame, the Bravos and Billy prepare to go back
to war, no longer convinced that they are fighting for high ideals, but firm in
their conviction that they will fight to the death – for each other. ‘We happy few, we Band of Brothers’. Shakespeare, as always, had it right, and so
does Ben Fountain: he has written a
wonderful book, a darkly humorous, ruthlessly honest portrayal of a great
nation under siege, hostage to The War on Terror and Nine Eleven, and the way
that its politicians, citizens – and soldiers faced the threat. This is a must-read – don’t miss it.