Nothing to See Here, by Kevin Wilson.
and meet Bessie and Roland, Lil, see what you think’.
Okay, then.
Lilian has never been able to resist the siren call of
her best and only friend and reluctantly embarks on the weirdest adventure of
her life so far, as she discovers that Bessie and Roland are Madison and
Jasper’s shameful secret, a secret that would destroy Jasper’s political
aspirations permanently if it were revealed.
Bessie and Roland ignite.
Yes, they internally combust. If they get upset, angry or frightened they
start to burn, real flames that don’t harm them,
but play havoc with the furniture, not to mention creating unnecessary
attention from the fire department: they
must be kept the absolute opposite of upset, and Lilian is just the person for
the job.
Kevin Wilson has produced a fantasy for the bizarre times
in which we live. All his characters,
especially the heroic Lilian, are larger than life, as they must be to convince
the reader to believe. His story is
hugely funny but the humour leavens the difficulty of trying to keep a family together
these days – especially a new one.
Yep, nothing to see here guys, unless you turn the
pages. This is a great book. SIX STARS.
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